- 100% Pure Acrylic Waterbased Paint.
- This product has excellent flow and anti-splatter properties, is highly washable, has a high opacity and low odour with excellent
exterior and interior durability.
Surface Preparation
- Essential for good paint performance is a sound substrate that has been properly cleaned and prepared. On existing painted
surfaces to be redecorated, a small section of paint must be removed to establish the condition of the original paint and the
substrate. Where there is doubt, the paint must be removed to a sound base. All surfaces must be dry, free from loose and flaky
material, grease and fungus prior to applying the new paint system.
Application Instructions
- These instructions are issued as an aid in determining correct surface preparation, mixing and application procedure and should be
closely followed to obtain maximum service from the material.
1. New Unpainted Wall Surfaces
e.g. Interior and exterior one coat plaster and interior two coat plaster (Crete stone) surfaces.
- (a) 1 st coat: Titanium Ti-Nyl Masonary Paint.
- (b) 2
nd and 3rd coat: Titanium Satin Finish Acrylic
2. Previously Painted Areas
e.g. Exterior fibre cement, cement tiles and one coat plaster.
- (a) Remove fungus growth, dust, loose and flaky material from the surface by means of a high pressure water jet. Allow the surface to dry properly.
- (b) 1
st application: Titanium Anti-fungus Wash and allow to dry for 24 hours.
- (c) Fill imperfections with Titanium Ti-Fill.
- (d) 1 st coat: Spot-prime the Ti-Fill with Titanium Ti-Nyl Masonary Paint.
- (e) 2
nd and 3rd coat: Titanium Satin Finish Acrylic
Application Method : Brush, roller or airless spray.
Spreading Rate: ± 10m² per litre per coat on very smooth surfaces.
Cleaning of Utensils: Wash immediately after use with warm soapy water. Hardened splashes can be removed with Meths.
Packaging Sizes: 20 L, 5 L and 1 L
Colour Range: White and a variety of standard colours or any other Tint.
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